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A SINGLE piece of jewelry with a UNIQUE poem - written especially for it - and for a SINGLE

special person - that is Excelsio Vivaldi.


The designer, Alexander Leyser, has written a poem for each piece in the Excelsio Vivaldi collection,
because only poetry can begin to express the care and commitment we lavish on our jewelry.


Note, that the poems are not translated in order to preserve their original character and nuance.

Though all gems are precious, there are some whose luminosity, form, grace and elegance

command special attention and admiration.


EXCELSIO VIVALDI is not a collection with a theme, but a group of independent pieces, each with

its own singular inspiration.


It is with deepest gratitude to all who seek and appreciate beauty, that we present the pieces in
EXCELSIO VIVALDI. The design of each of these works emerged from a communication with
the essence of the gemstones themselves. Just as the stones spoke to us, we know our jewelry will

speak to you.


If you choose a work from the EXCELSIO VIVALDI collection,
then you can be sure that this piece has chosen YOU,

not the other way around ...


You cannot escape it.
You will be enchanted.



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