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"Klares Wasser, fester Stein,

niemals warst du wirklich mein.

Hast mich gesehen und verführt,

und schliesslich hast du mich berührt.

Deine Kühle tut mir gut,

bändigt meine innere Glut."


A. Leyser

If a drop of water were stopped in mid air, what would it look like?
What if one could capture the moment when a free falling drop of water congealed into
ice? It is said that in the arctic circle even boiling water can freeze within seconds.


This exceptionally beautiful 33 carat aquamarine stone set in 18K white gold is an
attempt to immortalize a drop of clear water--to capture forever the instant when it is
transformed into nevermelting ice.

Eistropfen 1.JPG
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